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Monday, April 9, 2012

So,  it's come to this.  It's 2am here.  I've made maybe 7 or 8 full blog posts tonight, and Julian is stuck grinding against some sort of bullshit boss fight, and it looks like he's given up for the night.  Outlook for getting audio for the night is slim, and video is even slimmer.  But there is hope.  We can still end this on a high note.  And I'm calling it now, Alyssa is related in some way or another to BRUNO, man of all men, bridge builder extraordinaire, and a BUDDY!  so in-case you haven't seen the picture yet, I'd like to remind you of who he is:

He's wearing a crown in the portrait, but it's not on his character sprite?!
He must be too much of a man to care for things like continuity.
So, honestly, I can't even think of something to write about this.  It's just too good in and of itself.  Behold, the splendor that is the perpetual BUDDY!  I'll put in some timeline stuff just so it's a little bit more organized.

We tramp across his bridge like we own the place.

I'm not your buddy, guy.  I'm not your guy, bro.
Bruno brings out the big boy language.

Kicking and slapping asses.  A mans way of fighting.
Unfortunately we beat him, but he promises he'll be back.

(He delivers on his promise with a vengeance)

I wish I could give you all an example of Bruno's voice actor (of our unofficial voice acting studio here) Eric bellowing "BUDDY" around the halls of our house.  

But so, if I can get a hold of some of the game audio, or some of the video recording, I'll upload it.  There also may not be many posts until we get this setup up again, maybe over the weekend.

Remeber, we are playing this game for cancer, and to help pay for some of Nates contribution financially, and I would love to generate visitors to my other blogs, as I'm sure some of the other contributors might as well.

/also, the first line of the last paragraph is remeber.  This will be important later.


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